Stachys officinalis ‘Pink Cotton Candy’

(Pink Cotton Candy Betony)


Hardiness Zones:

 4a  4b  5a  5b  6a  6b  7a  7b  8a  8b

Quick Overview:

‘Pink Cotton Candy’ was bred by Richard Hawke from an open pollinated betony seedling and introduced by the Chicago Botanic Garden in 2009. Its upright flowering stems have dense whorls of cotton candy pink two-lipped flowers in which the upper lip is lighter pink than the lower lip. The flowers fade to a lighter pink creating an additional two-tone appearance. ‘Pink Cotton Candy’ blooms freely from June to August, occasionally blooming again in fall. It grows 1.5 to 2 ft. in both height and spread.  (Courtesy of Missouri Botanical Gardens Plant Finder)


Easily grown in average, medium, well-drained soils in full sun. Appreciates some light afternoon shade in hot, humid climates. Soils should be kept evenly moist, but established plants have some drought tolerance.  (Courtesy of Missouri Botanical Gardens Plant Finder)

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Stachys officinalis 'Pink Cotton Candy'
Stachys officinalis 'Pink Cotton Candy' - Image 2
Stachys officinalis 'Pink Cotton Candy'
Stachys officinalis 'Pink Cotton Candy' - Image 2
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