Magnolia grandiflora ‘Little Gem’

('Little Gem', Magnolia)

Size Price
15-GALLON $299.99
45-GALLON $699.99
100-GALLON $1,099.99

Hardiness Zones:

 7a  7b  8a  8b  9a  9b

Quick Overview:

A dwarf southern magnolia with smaller dark green foliage and a very compact narrow form. The large, glossy, evergreen leaves have rusty-brown undersides. Very attractive, large, white, fragrant blooms. A naturally small tree or large shrub perfect for small gardens.  (Courtesy of Missouri Botanical Gardens Plant Finder)



Magnolias prefer a spot in the garden that receives full sun to light shade.  If possible, avoid exposed, windy locations because strong winds can damage large flowers and the typically brittle branches.  Most magnolias grow best in moist, well-drained, slightly acid soils but neutral to slightly alkaline soils are also suitable for growth. Magnolias are adaptable to clay, loam or sand soils, but most grow poorly in wet or poorly drained soils. Well-established plants can be moderately drought tolerant.  (Courtesy of Missouri Botanical Gardens Plant Finder)

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Kiefer Nursery: Trees, Shrubs, Perennials
Magnolia grandiflora 'Little Gem'
Magnolia grandiflora 'Little Gem' - Image 2
Magnolia grandiflora 'Little Gem'
Magnolia grandiflora 'Little Gem' - Image 2