Viburnum macrocephalum

(Chinese Snowball, Viburnum)

Size Price
3-GALLON $39.99

Hardiness Zones:

 6a  6b  7a  7b  8a  8b  9a  9b

Quick Overview:

Chinese snowball viburnum is native to China. It is a rounded, vase-shaped shrub that typically matures to 15-20′ tall in the warmer climates of the deep South. Non-fragrant, sterile florets (each to 1 1/4″ wide) bloom in dense globose clusters (to 5-8″ wide) in May to early June. Florets emerge lime green, but quickly turn white. Pubescent, finely-toothed, ovate to elliptic, dark green leaves (to 2-4″ long) are deciduous in the northern parts of its growing range, but semi-evergreen in the southern parts of its growing range. Flowers are sterile, therefore no fruit is produced.



Easily grown in average, medium moisture, well-drained soil in full sun to part shade. Prefers moist, acidic loams, but tolerates a wide range of soils. Mature plants generally have some drought tolerance. Prune as needed immediately after flowering.

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Viburnum macrocephalum
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Viburnum macrocephalum - Image 3
Viburnum macrocephalum
Viburnum macrocephalum - Image 2
Viburnum macrocephalum - Image 3