Pontederia cordata

(Pickerel Rush)


Hardiness Zones:

 10a  10b  11  3a  3b  4a  4b  5a  5b  6a  6b  7a  7b  8a  8b  9a  9b

Quick Overview:

The Pickerel Rush, also known as Pickerel Weed, Pickerelweed, and Wampee, is named after the Italian botanist, Giulio Pondeteria. Shiny, green, spear-shaped foliage with distinctive swirling send up spikes of soft blue flowers, reaching 18 to 24" tall, or slightly more. The flower spikes grow from leaf bracts at the top of stems. The plant adapts from very shallow water to depths of up to 18".


Winter hardy to USDA Zones 3-10. Needs full sun for best flowering. Set plant roots in spring into mud at the margins of a pond or in containers (rich organic loams) in a water garden under 3-5? of water. Outside of containers, rhizomes can spread rapidly to form colonies under optimum growing conditions. If spread is a concern, grow plants in containers.

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Pontederia cordata
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Pontederia cordata
Pontederia cordata - Image 2
Pontederia cordata - Image 3