Pieris japonica ‘Compacta’

(Compact, Japanese Pieris)


Hardiness Zones:

 6a  6b  7a  7b  8a  8b  9a  9b

Quick Overview:

Pieris japonica ‘Compacta’ is a broadleaf evergreen shrub that typically matures to 8? tall with a dense, upright habit. It features drooping clusters (racemes to 6? long) of lily-of-the-valley-like white flowers in early spring. Serrulate, oblanceolate to obovate-oblong leaves (to 3.5? long) emerge orange-bronze but mature to glossy dark green. Leaves are evergreen. Bead-like flower buds are set in late summer for the following year and provide winter interest and contrast to the evergreen foliage.

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Best grown in organically rich, slightly acidic, medium moisture, well-drained soil in full sun to part shade.It grows best in locations sheltered from wind with some afternoon shade. Remove spent flowers immediately after bloom.

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Kiefer Nursery: Trees, Shrubs, Perennials
Pieris japonica 'Compacta'
Pieris japonica 'Compacta' - Image 2
Pieris japonica 'Compacta' - Image 3
Pieris japonica 'Compacta'
Pieris japonica 'Compacta' - Image 2
Pieris japonica 'Compacta' - Image 3