Peltandra virginica

(Arrow Arum)


Hardiness Zones:

 5a  5b  6a  6b  7a  7b  8a  8b  9a  9b

Quick Overview:

Green arrow arum, also known as bog arum or tuckahoe, is an aquatic perennial that is native to wet areas including swamps, bogs, sloughs, marshes, ditches and pond-lake-river margins in the eastern U. S. (Maine to Minnesota south to Florida and Texas). It is most common along the Atlantic coastal plain. It has been introduced and naturalized in parts of California and Oregon. From thick cordlike roots, this plant typically produces clumps of long-stalked, arrowhead shaped, glossy, medium green leaves (to 12" long) on stems rising to 24" tall. Leaves are broadly triangular with parallel to spreading base lobes. Tiny greenish-yellow to greenish-white flowers appear in spring on finger-like spadices (to 3-6" long). Each spadix (male flowers on top, sterile flowers in middle and female flowers at bottom) is enveloped and almost totally concealed by a pointed, leaf-like, light green spathe (to 8" long). Flowers give way to green maturing to brown fruits which are primarily disbursed by water.


Aquatic plant that requires wet soils. Easily grown in standing water to 6" deep in full sun to part shade. Tolerates full shade. Plants may also be grown in consistently moist boggy soils. Propagate by seed or division. Plants will form dense expanding clumps over time, but do not colonize as aggressively as the similar arrowhead (Sagittaria) does.

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Peltandra virginica
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Peltandra virginica
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