Myosotis scorpioides

(Water Forget-Me-Not)


Hardiness Zones:

 5a  5b  6a  6b  7a  7b  8a  8b  9a  9b

Quick Overview:

Water forget-me-not (or true forget-me-not) is a rhizomatous marginal aquatic perennial that typically grows 6-10? ( less frequently to 18?) tall on decumbent to upright angular stems. Light sky blue 5-lobed flowers (1/4? diameter) with yellow centers bloom in branched scorpioid cymes that uncoil as the flowers open. Long spring through summer bloom period. The cymes, particularly when in bud and early bloom, resemble a coiled scorpion?s tail, hence the specific epithet. Shiny, oblong to lance-shaped, bright green leaves (to 4? long).

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Easily grown in organically rich, consistently moist to wet soils in full sun to part shade. Grows in up to 3? of standing water. Plant in containers in water gardens. Plant directly in the muddy banks of streams or ponds at the water line. Plants will spread by creeping rhizomes but are not overly aggressive. Pinch young plants to promote bushiness.

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Myosotis scorpioides
Myosotis scorpioides - Image 2
Myosotis scorpioides - Image 3
Myosotis scorpioides
Myosotis scorpioides - Image 2
Myosotis scorpioides - Image 3