Malus domestica ‘Stayman-Winesap’

(Stayman-Winesap Apple)

Size Price

Hardiness Zones:

 6a  6b  7a  7b  8a  8b

Quick Overview:

The Stayman-Winesap is an 1866 chance cross between a Stayman apple and a Winesap apple. It has firm yellow flesh; crisp, coarse texture; and its tart, rich wine-like taste makes it memorable. Some say it smells like cinnamon. Stayman-Winesap’s thick skin maintains sufficient moisture within the flesh to keep the apple crispy to the bite and flavorful to the taste. Late maturing, Stayman-Winesaps keep well and can last until spring if properly stored. This multi-purpose apple is excellent when eaten fresh, or used in pies, desserts, applesauce, and cider.  Semi-dwarf rootstock M.106.

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Apples grow best with full sun in well drained average to loamy soil, but respond to enriched soil with better production. They prefer a slightly acidic soil pH in the range of 5.0 to 6.8.  Plant in an area where there is good air circulation.  Apple trees are not self-fruitful which means they require another apple tree of a different variety nearby to pollinate.

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Kiefer Nursery: Trees, Shrubs, Perennials
Malus domestica 'Stayman-Winesap'
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