Illicium floridanum ‘Halley’s Comet’

('Halley's Comet', Purple Anise)


Hardiness Zones:

 10a  10b  7a  7b  8a  8b  9a  9b

Quick Overview:

Illicium floridanum, commonly called purple anise, is an upright, rounded, aromatic, evergreen shrub that grows to 6-10′ tall. It is native to wet soils in low hammocks, wooded ravines, marshy areas and stream peripheries from northern Florida and Georgia along the coastal plain to Louisiana. Smooth, glossy, elliptic, dark olive-green leaves (to 6" long) emit an anise-like aroma when crushed. Nodding, dark red flowers (to 2" diameter), each with 20-30 strap-shaped petals, bloom in spring (April-May). Flower aroma is malodorous. Fruit is a star-shaped cluster of follicles. Purple anise is protected in Florida as a threatened species. ‘Halley’s Comet’ anise was selected for its more prominent blooms similar to the species.

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Winter hardy to USDA Zones 7-10 where it is easily grown in moist soils in part shade to full shade. Tolerates full sun as long as soils are kept uniformly moist. Spreads by root suckers.

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Kiefer Nursery: Trees, Shrubs, Perennials
Illicium floridanum 'Halley's Comet'
Illicium floridanum 'Halley's Comet' - Image 2
Illicium floridanum 'Halley's Comet' - Image 3
Illicium floridanum 'Halley's Comet'
Illicium floridanum 'Halley's Comet' - Image 2
Illicium floridanum 'Halley's Comet' - Image 3