Heuchera ‘DOLCE Blackberry Ice’

('DOLCE Blackberry Ice', Coral Bells)


Hardiness Zones:

 4a  4b  5a  5b  6a  6b  7a  7b  8a  8b  9a  9b

Quick Overview:

This is the new standard in purple Heucheras. ‘Blackberry Ice’ forms a full, rounded clump of attractive foliage that stays nice all season long. The newest leaves are a remarkable iridescent purple with black veining and have amethyst purple undersides. As the leaves mature, they develop a softly luminescent pewter overlay. In midsummer, reddish purple scapes which are quite proportional to the foliage carry wands of cream flowers. Heuchera villosa species is a large, late blooming type that exhibits an increased tolerance of high heat and humidity over other species. Most produce cream flowers in midsummer, though they are grown more for their fantastic foliage. H. villosa is native to the southeastern United States.

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Best grown in organically rich, humusy, medium moisture, well-drained soils in full sun to part shade. Performs well in full sun in the north, but prefers some shade (particularly in the heat of the afternoon) in the south. The best foliage color may occur in sunny spots with part afternoon shade. Scorch and general foliage decline usually occur if soils are allowed to dry out. If grown in full sun, consistent moisture is particularly important. Remove stems of faded flowers to encourage additional bloom. Foliage is essentially evergreen in warm winter climates, but the amount of retained foliage color in cold winter climates depends in large part upon the severity of the temperatures. In cold winter climates, a winter mulch applied after the ground freezes will help prevent root heaving. Divide clumps in spring every 3-4 years.

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Kiefer Nursery: Trees, Shrubs, Perennials
Heuchera 'DOLCE Blackberry Ice'
Heuchera 'DOLCE Blackberry Ice' - Image 2
Heuchera 'DOLCE Blackberry Ice' - Image 3
Heuchera 'DOLCE Blackberry Ice'
Heuchera 'DOLCE Blackberry Ice' - Image 2
Heuchera 'DOLCE Blackberry Ice' - Image 3