Danae racemosa

(Poet's Laurel)

Size Price
1-GALLON $37.99
3-GALLON $54.99

Hardiness Zones:

 7b  8a  8b  9a  9b

Quick Overview:

In the asparagus family, Poet’s Laurel is a dwarf evergreen shrub that sends up new basal shoots every spring forming a broader clump. These shoots resemble asparagus when emerging. It appreciates afternoon shade. Planted in the sun the foliage will brown and discolor. The beauty of Poet’s Laurel is in its glossy green arching foliage ad large berries in the fall and winter months.



Poet’s laurel is a good woodland plant that will provide evergreen color in even deep shade. It is best in well-drained loamy soils that are moderately moist. However, once established, the plant will tolerate dry shade, but it should be watered if the dry conditions last longer than 3 or 4 weeks. It is slow growing and the foliage will yellow and burn if exposed to direct sunlight. Its canes last three years and then die so periodic stem removal back to the ground is needed to keep the plant tidy.

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Danae racemosa
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Danae racemosa
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Danae racemosa - Image 3