Convallaria majalis ‘Bordeaux

(Bordeaux Lily of the Valley)


Hardiness Zones:

 2a  2b  3a  3b  4a  4b  5a  5b  6a  6b  7a  7b

Quick Overview:

An improved version of an old favorite, Bordeaux produces pure white, larger bell-shaped flowers on stems held high above the foliage. Flowers in the spring and is long lasting.


Easily grown in moist, fertile, organically rich, well-drained soils in part shade to full shade. Performs well in sun-dappled shade. In optimum growing conditions, it will spread rapidly by rhizomes to the point of being weedy, to form dense colonies in the landscape. Tolerates a wide range of soil conditions, including dry and clay soils. This is a long-lived plant which naturalizes readily in woodland areas, possibly negatively affecting native plant populations. Flowering may decrease over time, however, at which point dividing the plants may become appropriate. This is a cool weather perennial which is not recommended for growing in hot and humid summer climates where it will perform poorly. May easily be propagated in spring or fall by root division.  (Courtesy of Missouri Botanical Gardens Plant Finder)

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Kiefer Nursery: Trees, Shrubs, Perennials
Convallaria majalis 'Bordeaux
Convallaria majalis 'Bordeaux - Image 2
Convallaria majalis 'Bordeaux
Convallaria majalis 'Bordeaux - Image 2