Clematis ‘Skyfall’

(Skyfall Clematis)


Hardiness Zones:

 4a  4b  5a  5b  6a  6b  7a  7b  8a  8b

Quick Overview:

A very unique looking flower, with light blue blossoms sprinkled with light violet splashes. This blooms heaviest in June and July, then moderately through the end of August.

Group 3 Pruning:  Pruning group 3 clematis can feel a bit brutal. The key is to be brave.  These plants all flower on the new season’s growth.  Prune Group 3 clematis in February in the South and in early March in the North. Start at ground level and work up until you reach the first pair of good, strong buds. Prune just above that. Repeat for the rest of the plant.




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Grow in fertile, medium moisture, well-drained soils in full sun to part shade. Vining hybrids are best sited in locations where the flowering parts of the vine are in sun to part shade but the roots are shaded. Some light afternoon shade is usually beneficial in hot and humid summer climates. Clematis vines need a trellis or other support on which to grow. Roots should be kept cool, shaded and uniformly moist. Root areas may be shaded with perennials, annuals or small shrubs. A thick root mulch is appreciated. Do not allow soils to dry out.

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Clematis 'Skyfall'
Clematis 'Skyfall' - Image 2
Clematis 'Skyfall'
Clematis 'Skyfall' - Image 2
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