Castanea mollissima

(Chinese Chestnut)

Size Price

Hardiness Zones:

 4a  4b  5a  5b  6a  6b  7a  7b  8a  8b

Quick Overview:

Castanea mollissima, commonly called Chinese chestnut, is native to China and possibly Korea. It is a medium sized, low-branched, deciduous tree that typically grows 40’ (less frequently to 60’) tall with an open rounded crown. It is grown as an ornamental tree and/or for its edible nuts. It is noted for its resistance to chestnut blight which has nearly wiped out the native American chestnut (Castanea dentata).  A beautiful specimen shade tree for lawns. Unfortunately, as is the case with the fruit of the sweet gum but perhaps more so, falling chestnuts can pose a significant litter problem, and often make walking barefoot in the lawn a real adventure. On the positive side, the chestnuts may be harvested for roasting on an open fire as it were.  (Courtesy of Missouri Botanical Gardens Plant Finder)

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Grow in moist, well-drained, loams in full sun. Tolerant of summer heat and humidity. Established trees do well in dry conditions. If growing this tree at least in part for its edible nuts, planting more than one tree facilitates cross-pollination and generally produces a more abundant nut crop.  (Courtesy of Missouri Botanical Garden Plant Finder)

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Castanea mollissima
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