Camellia japonica ‘Grace Albritton’

(Grace Albritton Camellia)

Size Price
5-GALLON $64.99

Hardiness Zones:

 7a  7b  8a  8b  9a  9b

Quick Overview:

With so many beautiful faces it’s really difficult to describe the Grace Albritton Camellia. What we can say is that if you want to add a totally unique and elegant appearance to the garden – look no further. The Grace Albritton Camellia presents its large, uniquely colored, fully double, white to shades of soft pink flowers with multiple variations and patterns of markings in shades of lavender, pink or red in late winter and early spring. The flowers also appear in various forms and petal formations.



Where winter hardy, Camellia japonica should be grown in moist, acidic (5.5 to 6.5 pH), loose, organically rich, well-drained soils in part shade. Consistent and even moisture is important. Avoid wet soils. Plants require protection from direct afternoon sun and wind. Best location may be sun-dappled part shade. Best with a root mulch. Near the northern parts of their growing range, plants should be sited in sheltered and protected microclimates such as near the south side of a home or building. Burlap wraps are sometimes helpful. Plants generally dislike changes in temperature, irregular watering or being moved. Even a change in humidity can cause plants to drop buds. Fertilize monthly in spring and summer. If desired, remove all but one bud from each cluster to increase the size of the flower. Prune immediately after flowering. (Courtesy of Missouri Botanical Garden Plant Finder)

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Camellia japonica 'Grace Albritton'