Bletilla striata

(Chinese Ground Orchid)

Hardiness Zones:

 5a  5b  6a  6b  7a  7b  8a  8b  9a  9b

Quick Overview:

Bletilla striata, commonly called Chinese ground orchid, is a terrestrial orchid which produces small, cattleya-like, pinkish-purple flowers (to 1.5” long) in 3-7 flowered racemes atop naked scapes typically rising to 18” tall. Blooms mid to late spring. Each pseudobulb typically produces 3-5, linear, pleated, papery-textured, sword-shaped, pale green leaves (to 12” long). Foliage dies to the ground in winter. Synonymous with Bletilla hyacinthina(Courtesy of Missouri Botanical Gardens Plant Finder)


Best grown in organically rich, medium moisture, well-drained soil in part shade. Some afternoon shade is essential in hot summers. Plant corm-like pseudobulbs to 4” deep in spring. After flowering, continue to provide regular moisture to plants for the remainder of the growing season. May not be reliably winter hardy throughout USDA Zone 5 where a winter mulch is advisable. Will naturalize over time in optimum growing conditions by short rhizomes. (Courtesy of Missouri Botanical Gardens Plant Finder)

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Bletilla striata
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Bletilla striata
Bletilla striata - Image 2
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