Asarum splendens

(Chinese Wild Ginger)


Hardiness Zones:

 5a  5b  6a  6b  7a  7b  8a  8b  9a

Quick Overview:

One of the finest members of the ginger family.  Large, elongated heart-shaped, dark green leaves are elegantly mottled with shimmering silver pigment throughout. They remain semi-evergreen through mild winters and a new set of leaves is produced in spring, covering the previous year’s growth.

In early spring, 2″ wide, dark purple flowers are produced under the foliage at soil level.  Though the flowers are not particularly showy, they are interestingly attractive.

Asarum splendens is a vigorous rhizomatic species that forms a thick mat of foliage, making it an ideal groundcover for shady gardens. It is also nice in containers.


Best grown in evenly moist, humusy, rich, well-draining loams in part sun to part shade. Tolerant of a relatively wide range of soil pH levels, but intolerant of poorly drained or dry soils. Hardy in Zones 5-9. Will remain semi-evergreen in the warmer parts of its hardiness zone range, but will die back to the ground in climates with winter temperatures below 10°F

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Asarum splendens
Asarum splendens - Image 2
Asarum splendens
Asarum splendens - Image 2