Aquilegia caerulea ‘Songbird hybrids’

('Songbird hybrids', Columbine)


Hardiness Zones:

 3a  3b  4a  4b  5a  5b  6a  6b  7a  7b  8a  8b

Quick Overview:

A very early-flowering columbine for containers or shaded rock gardens. Extremely large flowers with a lovely mix of rich colors.?Cardinal? features large, long-spurred, upward-facing, red and white bicolor flowers (to 3?) on compact, bushy plants typically growing to 20-28? tall. Flowers bloom in spring. Triternate, almost fern-like, gray-green foliage is somewhat suggestive of meadow rue (Thalictrum). Songbird Series cultivars are generally noted for combining compact form with large upward-facing flowers.

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Easily grown in average, medium moisture, well-drained soil in full sun to part shade. Tolerates a wide range of soils except heavy, poorly drained ones. Prefers rich, moist soils with light to moderate shade. Remove flowering stems after bloom to encourage additional bloom. Keep soils uniformly moist after bloom to prolong attractive foliage appearance. When foliage depreciates, plants may be cut to the ground. Songbird Series cultivars may be grown from seed and may self-seed in the garden under optimum growing conditions. However, different varieties of columbine may cross-pollinate in the garden producing seed that is at variance with either or both parents.

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Kiefer Nursery: Trees, Shrubs, Perennials
Aquilegia caerulea 'Songbird hybrids'
Aquilegia caerulea 'Songbird hybrids' - Image 2
Aquilegia caerulea 'Songbird hybrids' - Image 3
Aquilegia caerulea 'Songbird hybrids'
Aquilegia caerulea 'Songbird hybrids' - Image 2
Aquilegia caerulea 'Songbird hybrids' - Image 3