Spiraea japonica Double Play® Doozie®
(Double Play Doozie Spiraea)
Hardiness Zones:
3a 3b 4a 4b 5a 5b 6a 6b 7a 7b 8a 8b
Quick Overview:
Get your hands on the first-ever reblooming spirea! Double Play Doozie® spirea (Spirea hybrid) is a truly innovative new introduction from Proven Winners that was years in development. It does not set seed, so it just keeps flowering and flowering and flowering. Yet it’s just as easy-care and durable as you expect a spirea to be – deer resistant, drought tolerant, shade tolerant, and just all-around tough. Double Play Doozie spirea has a bit more of an upright habit than conventional spirea, making it perfect for a non-stop blooming low hedge, or mixing into your perennial garden. It blooms in early summer along with conventional spirea, then continues to put out dozens of new blooms through frost. In early spring, new growth emerges a dramatic red for extra color and beauty. It’s the high performance, low maintenance flowering shrub you’ve been looking for.