Veronica prostrata ‘Heavenly Blue’

(Heavenly Blue speedwell)


Hardiness Zones:

 4a  4b  5a  5b  6a  6b  7a  7b  8a  8b

Quick Overview:

Veronica prostrata ‘Heavenly Blue’ dazzles with sky blue flowers in the early summertime. A mat-forming perennial native to Europe, its leaves are a bright green, shaped like elongated ovals with toothed edges. Its stems often branch as they sprawl across the ground, and the tips may turn upward in late spring to display clusters of light, lavender-blue flowers which bloom for about two weeks in late spring to early summer. Occasional spurts of reblooming may occur in late summer and early autumn.

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Tolerant of a wide range of soils, Veronica prostrata ‘Heavenly Blue’ requires full to partial sun and good drainage. Excellent for use as a groundcover, its non-flowering stems remain horizontal and can grow outward indefinitely. Use ‘Heavenly Blue’ in the front of a mixed border, in a rockery or spilling over the edge of a large planter

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Veronica prostrata 'Heavenly Blue'
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